
What did Dijkstra do 50 years ago?

Turing Machine as Boundary Object

Here's an abstract, entitled: The Turing Machine as a Boundary Object: Sorting Out American Science and European Engineering, co-authored by Erhard Schüttpelz, featuring Marvin Minsky and Edsger Dijkstra in the late 1960s and early 1970s. To be presented this summer in London at the 11th British Wittgenstein Society Conference: Wittgenstein and AI

Update 2022-August-1:

Plato, Aristotle, and Programming

Here's a chapter in the making on two very different philosophical positions and computer programming. I engage with Linnebo and Shapiro in connection with classical logical and potential infinity. 

Discussions will be held at a Lille workshop in June 2022. A revised chapter will appear in the book What is a computer program? New perspectives, edited by PROGRAMme (i.e., by Liesbeth De Mol, Tomas Petricek, and the rest of the PROGRAMme community).

Chapter 1 of Turing Tales

The first chapter of my 2016 book Turing Tales is made available here. I explain my methodological stance on the history of computer science, and introduce the topic of "conflations," which I believe is key to understanding the history of science and technology.

Freely Available: 2015 paper on Turing's legacy

I have made my article on Turing's legacy available (see the attached pdf), since the publisher has now chosen to place it behind a paywall, and because I have retained my copyright.

  • E.G. Daylight. Towards a Historical Notion of 'Turing — the Father of Computer Science'. Special issue of the journal History and Philosophy of Logic, Vol. 36, No. 3, pp. 205-228, 2015. (Published online: 4 November 2015.)


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