David N. Freeman contacts Dijkstra for a sabbatical


5 May 1971

David N. Freeman, director of Computing Activities at the University of Pennsylvania, contacted Dijkstra in order to express his interest in taking a sabbatical leave at Eindhoven between September 1972 and September 1973. As future posts on this blog will show, he was not the only one to do so. In fact, several American researchers in computing wanted to visit the Netherlands and Eindhoven in particular. Presumably, this was due to Dijkstra's presence at the University of Eindhoven.

Unfortunately for Freeman, Dijkstra could not offer him a sabbatical in Eindhoven, nor at other places in the Netherlands, including the Philips Computer Industry in Apeldoorn.

Sources are from my archive, Map 11, Box 12:

  • Letter from Freeman to Dijkstra, 5 May 1971.
  • Letter from Dijkstra to Freeman, 25 May 1971.
  • Letter from Freeman to Dijkstra, 16 June 1971.
  • Letter from Dijkstra to Freeman, 1 December 1971.
